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Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Cassie was on Smashtime Radio with Clinton Sparks (producer of Hold Your Head off of Duets: The Final Chapter).

You can find it on 04/30/06 - 05/07/06 Hour 3 Set 1 at 15:43 and it extends into 4/30/2006 - 05/07/06 Hour 3 Set 2. Ryan Leslie was in the studio, as well (and he speaks here and there). They played "Long Way to Go."

She wants the name of her album to be "No Regrets."

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
In the concert entry, she also revealed:

... we’re shooting the video for “Me & U” on Sunday in LA!!!

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Video at her blog. She did a dance rendition and then did a performance of Me & U.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
From Cassie's blog:

Mary [Schook] chose different up and coming people to pose for different body art pieces and had each picture printed in museum quality and size to be auctioned at the event. The money from each piece goes toward the “Stars” charity of choice. Mine was for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

She has video at her site, featuring the piece.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick is celebrating Women's History Month by "profiling the hardest working and most beautiful females in the music video business." This week, they selected Cassie:

"I recorded my first song "Kiss Me" with Ryan back in February of 2005 for my Mom's birthday. I went to meet up with Ryan at his label at the time, Casablanca, and while I was sitting in the waiting area I could hear "Kiss Me"in the next office. He was playing it for the President of the label, Tommy Mottola," Cassie remembers. "Man, I was so embarrassed! Anyway I went in the office and I got a demo deal to sign with Casablanca. Pretty crazy. Time went by and after finishing my demos, Tommy decided that he wanted to manage me instead, so we went through that process. Suddenly I found myself with two great deals on the table and we went with Bad Boy." ...

"Personally, I believe that my job is just as important as any other woman's job. I feel like entertainers can set an example. I want to be the person that kids listen to when they won't listen to their parents. Not in a negative way, but in a progressive way. I obviously know what it's like to be a teenager because I am one; I've just grown up really fast for someone my age. I feel that if you're given the opportunity to be an 'idol' as they say, you better do it right. Being able to look up to someone when you're younger is a must, not to be them but to learn from the good and the bad in them. I hope that young girls learn from my mistakes."

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Cassie posted on her blog that she recorded a track with Fonzworth Bentley. Ryan Leslie posted a video of Fonzworth freestyling over the beat for what he called "yet another Cassie work-in-progress." So, it would seem that the video was from the session with Cassie, although we can't be 100% certain. Cassie mentions that the session was recorded and that we should stay tuned for a video. But is that another video or the one we've already seen?

So, is the track for Cassie's album, Bentley's album or? Can't be sure.

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