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Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
The full video has been posted on YouTube.

Via Bad Boy Spot.

06/03: Cassie on TRL

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Ryan Leslie has the video.

She mentions that she is working on a track with Diddy for her album.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
From her blog:

Well, the truth is, is that I did shoot a video for this song before. It was extremely low budget and it was before I signed to a label. Unfortunately that BAD video that’s going around, I felt like it scarred the very beginnings of a promising future. No matter my excitement while making the video, I was not thinking for Cassie. Before I had a chance to voice my opinion someone had leaked it in it’s raw form.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Ryan Leslie has the clip.

Don't forget, she'll be on TRL today.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
There is a leaked Me&U video going around that features Cassie going from an apartment to a car to a club to an apartment with some guy. I'm not going to link to it because we do not support copyright infringement, which is what this is. You see, I was curious, so I spoke with the number one person in the know on this subject and he told me that this was a treatment (concept for a video) that was shot that they decided not to go with. They are disappointed that it has leaked and they have persued the people who have hosted this video previously (i.e. YouTube) and will continue to do so.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Check it out.

05/31: Me&U (Remix)

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
We get to hear a snippet from the official Ryan Leslie remix of Me&U over at Ryan's blog. He notes that it will be in stores on June 20.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Ok, it's been confirmed. I'm more inclined to treat that bulletin with less suspicion now.

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Well, I know I just said I don't like to report MySpace things, but here we go again. boyzndahood at has posted a supposed MySpace bulletin for Cassie that mentions the following:

HOWEVER, the reason I'm not doing the show is because I'm going to San Diego to do TRL [on Friday], and I'm premiering the Me & U video (directed by the amazing Ray Kay and choreographed by the amazing Rhapsody). ...

P.S. If you get the chance, check out TRL on Thursday too. I have an MTV "You Hear It First" segment on the show. It'll also be on MTV News, MTV 2 and MTV U...

Again, not really sure if it's true or not, but we'll know soon enough, I suppose. I'll try to find out officially, though...

Posted in Cassie
Posted by Patrick
Nomah # 5 at is reporting that Cassie sent out a MySpace bulletin revealing that her album release date is August 8. As I am not on this bulletin list, I can't confirm it (working on that now), but I wanted to mention it.

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