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Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
There is video of the Chula Vista High School visit is up at

Via Diddy's MySpace.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
Of course, this is the second single from "Press Play." You can listen to it in our audio player to the right.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
According to an e-mail from, there will be a "Press Play" listening party at Avalon in NYC on October 14.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick

Love will hold its annual homecoming party Friday night, hosted by Diddy. ...

Press repeat. Diddy will also host the next night at the Howard homecoming/release party for his album "Press Play" at H20. ...

You can find more details including times and prices at the link above.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Indeed, when ''Press Play'' hits stores Tuesday, it will herald not one comeback for Combs, but two -- the return of Diddy as a recording artist as well as a renaissance for Combs' legacy brand, his label Bad Boy Records. On the road building buzz, he'll be at Chicago's City Hall on Friday for the proclamation of "Diddy Day."

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
They have the interview up on their site in 6 parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Via boyzndahood at

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
According to MTV News:

"I don't want him to be popular on YouTube," Dorn wrote in an e-mail. "I don't want the reason that so many people come to YouTube be because of him, but that is the way it looks like it's going to be. [And] I know that many of the YouTube users would agree with me on that. He's pretty full of himself to think that by just 'buying' a channel and talking about his 'everyday life,' it makes him 'normal.' I think he should leave YouTube alone."

And there are plenty of users like Dorn, expressing their frustration in manners both increasingly bizarre (the U.K.'s BlackAdderExtras, who took Diddy's spot and turned it into a rather tedious house track) and disturbing (one rant, by a wide-eyed blond kid, borders on racist psycho-babble). But will the rising negative sentiments be enough to pull the plug on Diddy TV? ...

"We can't speak for Diddy, but we're thrilled that so many people have tuned in and taken notice, and we've found some of the parodies extremely creative and entertaining," a spokesperson for Burger King (who asked not to be identified) told MTV News. "YouTube is all about free expression, and Burger King wants consumers to continue to 'have it your way.' "

I considered whether or not this is newsworthy. I guess MTV considers it newsworthy, but I'm not sure that it is. When it comes to stars, we build people up to tear them down. There is a ton of jealousy out there and a ton of people who simply don't get it or have ulterior motives. In any case, let's talk about it.

Diddy is already popular on YouTube. In fact, that was a given. Diddy is an international superstar. It was a given that once he signed up on YouTube, he'd be popular on there because he is popular off there. You know Diddy, your Mom knows Diddy. Everybody knows Diddy.

In this day and age, there is sadly an increasing amount of people who lack respect for the rights and work of others. YouTube needs to make money. And lots of it. The fact is, one of the reason YouTube can exist for anyone to upload videos of themselves is because of people like Diddy and companies like Burger King. They support YouTube by spending their ad budget and generating ad revenue themselves. So many people these days think websites just need to earn enough to keep themselves up. That is so disrespectful. Websites need to earn enough to pay those who work on them. And not just pay them, but pay them well and, at least for the people that own the company, make them rich, if it's feasible.

One part of this is certainly drawing attention to one's self. Some of these people who are criticizing Diddy for using YouTube in a promotional fashion are getting quite a bit of attention by criticizing him. Coincidence? Perhaps, for some, but I would say that others are certainly doing it in order to draw attention to themselves. i.e. it is a form of promotion, the very thing they are criticizing Diddy for.

Another issue is the sense of entitlement that some people have. Who died and left these individuals in charge of who can use YouTube? Diddy is just another person, albeit a famous one, but why shouldn't he be able to sign up and use it in a promotional manner like so many small companies and websites do? Why the discrimination? There is absolutely no valid reason. As far as Diddy acting excited about the BK deal, have you ever read a press release? They assume interest and they express details in an upbeat manner. When you make a deal with someone, that is how you announce it. Positive, upbeat. Or you wouldn't have made the deal. Who cares what anyone else may or may not be interested in? That's not the point. I'm not interested in 99.9% of the stuff that is posted on YouTube. But, that .1% is great. And that's not a slight on YouTube. The point is that it offers variety and everyone likes different things. I would guess that goes for most people in the world. But, do I go around saying they can't post it? No. That'd be wrong.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick

Darian Phillips, a sophomore, told Diddy he wanted to be a businessman. When asked about his GPA, Phillips laughed and said it was “above a 2.0.”

Diddy encouraged Phillips to raise it to a 3.0 and told him he would get his phone number to check on his progress.

“I was like, 'Oh my God, it's Diddy,' ” Phillips said. “I'm going to try and raise my grades. I want to be like him.”

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
Ok, go here and on "Press Rewind: A Diddy Video Retrospective" click "14 videos." You can then watch the 10 minute version of "Been Around the World" as well as the 8 minute version of "Victory" as well as full, high quality versions of other Diddy videos.

Posted in Diddy/Dirty Money
Posted by Patrick
I'm not sure if it's available now or on the 17th, but you can purchase the song in Best Buy's Digital Music Store. You can listen to it in our audio player to the right.

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