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Andreas Hale of has a two part interview with Day26. It's a very good read. Some of the most interesting parts of it are reflections that the group makes about Aubrey. Here's a sample:

A lot of people looked at Diddy with a crooked eye during the season finale for what happened with Aubrey and D Woods…

Brian: I’m going to tell you something about that. I love Aubrey. She’s a very talented woman and she’s my sister. But the Aubrey you saw in the season finale is not the Aubrey we are used to seeing. I’m not trying to bash her. She’s a talented young lady. But she went out there and she handled the situation the most unprofessional way possible. There’s a lot that went on behind the scenes and the cameras only are going to show what they want to show. You didn’t get to see everything. There was a lot building up to Aubrey getting kicked out but you didn’t get to see it.

Q, you kind of alluded to Dawn having a solo deal. Do you think that had something to do with the girls and their issues?

Q: I think Aubrey is a person that manipulates people. I think she’s jealous and she needs help. My issue came in because Dawn is my girl. She comes to me and she cries and expresses that she, Aundrea and Shannon are all for Danity Kane. But this whole Ebony & Ivory (D Woods and Aubrey)…they have other things that they want to do and they don’t put Danity Kane first. The difference between Day26 and Danity Kane is that when I made the group, I put Day26 first and Q second. Everything that has to do with the group, I’m going to handle first. Aubrey did "Hairspray" and the girls supported her. Aubrey wasn’t showing up to tour dates! That’s messed up. Then you try and throw Dawn’s situation in her face? I think that’s jealousy. Prime example is that Aubrey came on stage during the finale saying that she wanted to be in the group while backstage you are taking pictures by yourself. It’s just phony to me. I think the rest of the girls handled it very professionally but I wish that the audience could have been exposed to the truth. Somebody has to stand up to Aubrey and someone has to tell the truth or she is going to keep getting away with it. They were on her side for all the wrong reasons.

Furthermore, Que says that D. Woods didn't come to the finale because Aubrey lied to her and told her that she was not coming. He added that MTV's editing of the show portrayed Aubrey as a good girl - but, in reality, she was anything but. Check out the full interview for all of the details.

I wonder if the same people congratulating Aubrey for "keeping it real" about Diddy, will also congratulate Que for "keeping it real" about Aubrey. It'll be interesting to watch.